D365 Finance uses "NPV" to calculate the present value of lease payments. The "NPV" calculation assumes the interval between the payments is the always the same, for certain leases such as property leases this is not the case. "XNPV" allows the present value calculation to be more accurate and calculate to exact days.

As an example, the rental payments for property leases are typically defined in fixed "rent" days such as 25th December, 25th March, 24th June and 29th September. The system has the ability to setup the fixed "rent" payment days however the present value of the lease payments are not accurate, resulting in a variance with the value of the lease contract when using the XNPV calculation vs NPV. The variance grows exponentially as the value of the lease contract increases.

Please add the option for the system to calculate the present value of lease payments using XNPV instead of NPV.
Category: Asset Leasing
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.
Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Mohamed Aamer, PM,



This change is required for clients to report leases accurately. Please make the change to the system

Category: Asset Leasing


It's a crucial functionality to have, especially the financing and lease contracts are becoming more complex nowadays.

Category: Asset Leasing


It is an essential need to use this module!

Category: Asset Leasing


This is a basic requirement in lease accounting - desperately needed.

Category: Asset Leasing


It is not possible to implement Lease module with current algorithm of NPV calculation in the company which has more complex terms in the Lease contract.
Client calculates NPV value using XNPV function in excel and receives proper NPV value. Trying to calculate it in D365 receives not proper NPV value.

It should be corrected.

Category: Asset Leasing


It is not possible to implement Lease module with current algorithm of NPV calculation in the company which has more complex terms in the Lease contract.
Client calculate NPV value using XNPV function in excel and receive proper NPV value. Trying to calculate it in D365 receives not proper NPV value.

It should be corrected.

Category: Asset Leasing