Find and display the lowest price within 30 days - requirement by EU legislation
When doing discount pricing and campaigns there is a requirement by law in Finland that the end customer needs to be informed what has been the lowest price for the product within the last 30 days before the current discount campaign.
For example the product has a base price o...
New promotion type: Threshold item promotion
There is a gap in the promotions engine which has been highlighted by several of my customers. They want to be able to create a threshold discount, which applies a discount to a specific item on the transaction. For example: Spend $100 Get Item X at 50% off. Or Spend $150 Get Item X Free Of Cha...
The "threshold discount" is enhanced in 10.0.19 release to support "gift with purchase" promotion scenario where the user can define "qualifying items" and "gift items" in the discount configuration, when qualifying items meet amount criteria, the gift items would get discounted price. Configure gift with purchase promotions - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce
no desposit on shipping charge
Provide a general parameter to say whether the deposit amount should include shipping charge.
If you now would have 50% desposit and the customer orders something with a shipping charge of 40. He deposit will include 20 for shipping. If the customer cancels his order in time/or later de...
Thanks for your feedback. This is a great suggestion. We have added this to our backlog to be considered in a future release. - Holly Haines, Principal Program Manager - Dynamics 365 for Retail.
Quantity Discount to apply to one or more products
Quantity Discount should be able to handle: buy a given Quantity and get a %/value off from a Selected group of products (discount to be applied across products not just to one product line like it does out of the box currently) For example- buy 2 or more items from this range and get 20% off ...
You can configure category as discount line in the quantity discount, by which the discount is applied to the products included in the category. Retail discounts - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce
Mix and match with discount amount
Possibility to create mix and match discount with discount amount on a specific line.
Specific examples are:
- Buy item X and get Y SEK off one item in category Z.
- Buy from category X for Y SEK and get Z amount of a specific item.
The requirement 1 below is already released as a part of 10.0.16, while the requirement 2 is planned for 10.0.19.
Requirement 1: Buy for X SEK from category Fashion and get item Y for free.
As a part of 10.0.16, now the "Line spec" option of the Mix and match discount has an option to choose a discount amount.
Requirement 2: Buy for X SEK from mens Shirts and get 50% off on one pair of Socks.
As a part of 10.0.19, the threshold discount will allow the users to choose the items which whould be given for a discount if the threshold is met.
View Available discounts in product detail page ecommerce
Within the online store, quantity and mix & match discounts are only visible at checkout (Show available promotions check at the cart module). It is proposed that these types of discounts can be displayed within the product detail page so that the end customer can see which discounts would be ava...
Thank you for this feature suggestion! Agree this is much needed in the modern e-commerce product discovery experience. The feature is in our backlog. Please stay tuned to our release plans for further updates. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager, Dynamics 365 Commerce
Retail periodic discounts calculated on Requested ship date
Companies often use call center functionality and retail periodic discounts to offer more complex prices and discounts to their B2B customers. In some cases the company policy requires prices and discounts calculation to be based on today's date (this is how the retail periodic discounts work now...
Thank you for the feedback! Pricing calculation based on flexible date is indeed a critical capability, especially for B2B scenarios. We are going to release a Pricing management module, built on enhanced pricing engine, that works for both SCM and Commerce. In this module, pricing managers will have an setting to specify a pricing calculation date that the pricing engine should rely on. Options inlcude: today's date, requested ship date, requested receipt date and order created date. Stay tuned to our release plans for further updates on the GA date of this module. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce
Put price on itembutton in POS
When we add specific items to buttons in the POS, it would be very helpful to also display the price of the item directly on the button. Today the customers would have to write the price on the button, and change it every time the prices change. Very ineffective. These kind of itembuttons is u...
Thank you for the product suggestion! We would love to provide this capability out of the box. However, we do not have a planned release timeline as of now and hence marking it as Declined (please read this as Postponed). - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce
Retail Sales Price Management - Commerce: Generic currency feature
The generic currency feature (and the smart rounding) should also be available in combination with the commerce pricing engine like it is available with the standard price setup in D365. On the trade agreement journal line there is already a toggle "include generic currency" and it is working ...
Thank you for the feedback! We are going to release a Pricing management module, built on enhanced pricing engine, that works for both SCM and Commerce. In this module, pricing managers will be able to specify a generic currency at company level, define generic currency based trade agreements and price adjustments, enable automatic currency conversion, and alternatively configure smart rounding rules. The pricing engine will honor all these settings. Stay tuned to our release plans for further updates on GA date of this module. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce
Exchanging Master product to different variant retaining original transaction discount
Scenario: An item was bought on promotion. After the promotion has ended, the customer comes to the store to exchange the variant of the same master product (Size, Colour). The retailer would like to register this exchange in variant without asking the customer to pay the full price. Current F...
Thank you for this great feature suggestion! We will continue to monitor the votes and feedback here to determine its consideration and prioritization on our future roadmap. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce
Thanks for the feedback. We will continue to monitor the votes to determine its consideration into our feature backlog. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce