Quantity Discount should be able to handle:
buy a given Quantity and get a %/value off from a Selected group of products (discount to be applied across products not just to one product line like it does out of the box currently)

For example- buy 2 or more items from this range and get 20% off
range consists of 5 item numbers.- a customer can buy 2 of one item or 1 unit each of 2 items and a flat 20% discount will be applied to the items.

This is a standard retail promotion used by business and companies to support sale of complete product groups/brand ranges.
Ideas Administrator

You can configure category as discount line in the quantity discount, by which the discount is applied to the products included in the category. Retail discounts - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce



You can configure category as discount line in the quantity discount, by which the discount is applied to the products included in the category. Retail discounts - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 CommerceSchemes was not applied when situation Category have over Units. Ex: Category LACOSTE : item A(pcs), item B(prs)Buy over 2 items from category will discount 20% all line. Buy A +B => discount not workingBuy over 2A or over 2B => Applied discountIf you don't limit Units for Lines i think is better for our business. Tks

Category: Pricing, Discounts, and Taxes


Me too, I hope this type quantity discount will be improve. For meet a need to support sale retail

Category: Pricing, Discounts, and Taxes