Change project contract
A recent update based on KB3178570 made it impossible to change the project contract after project transactions were made. This was done to prevent a problem in a specific scenario. However, this also caused a regression in functionality.
All information from the project contract is sto...
Transfer Project Quotation directly to a Sales Order
Currently when a Project Quotation is confirmed there isn’t any direct action to create the Sales Order. The only option available is through "transfer from quotation" and then a item requirement sales order is created. The proposal of this idea is to include the same functionality in Project Qu...
Default site and warehouse for project item requirements
Adding fields for Site and Warehouse as default values for item requirement lines, purchase or production orders will make it able to address the most adequate stock location related to the place of delivery to the project.
Creating a project production order with a consumed posting type is not allowed because a costing sheet exists
Creating a project production order with a consumed posting type should be allowed even though the costing sheet exists.
Below is the scenario
According to IFRS and POC if we ...
Regulate returned serial item in project
When a item with serial number is sold via a project item requirement and then the same serial number is returned (negative item requirement) back, the original line cannot be adjusted
Thank you for this idea. We will investigate and consider it for an upcoming release wave
When sales orders are linked to a project, delivery schedule should be available
When sales orders are linked to a project, delivery schedule is not available. Why is it the function in D365FO standard not implemented for Projects? Is thery any chance that this feature will be available in further versions? According to MS, the Delivery schedule is disabled for Project relate...
We appreciate you taking the time to submit the product suggestion. We will monitor the votes and other feedback and prioritize it accordingly in our backlog.
Dasani Madipalli - Program Manager - Microsoft Dynamics for SCM
Create Batch order (process manufacturing) out of a Project
Add possibility to create a new batch order (process manufacturing) out of project.
Remove the distinction between stocked/production order and non-stocked/resource scenario
I cannot see a reason why it would be impossible to make one scenario out of the two. Stocked item scenario's stay in F&O to integrate better with D365 SCM. (item forecasts/committed costs and item project transactions are communicated back to CE to get the project financials right)
Project Stages- Add additional
Right now we are using all 8 project stages. Hoping to get this expanded to 10 project stages. Thanks.
Return order (credit note) of a sales order related to a project using an advanced warehouse
It is required to return (credit note) a sales order related to a project, using an advanced warehouse item and warehouse the sales order related to a project Currently it was forgotten by Microsoft and no return order is possible.
This capability exists in the modern PRoject Operations using Corrective journals functionality