Feature to add a custom column on the Project Tasks screen in Project Operations.
We would like to have a field that allows us to see how many hours a task was planned for at the time of order receipt, and to see how much difference there was during and at the end of the project.
However, the Project Task Grid in Project Operations does not allow the addition of custo...
Item requirement for a customer with intercompany setup
I n project management and accounting module
User is trying to reduce quantity or delete the line on item requirement. This is cause common scenario when the during project lifecycle the requirements are changing. Quantity on the item requirement list is used also for analysi...
Creating a project production order with a consumed posting type is not allowed because a costing sheet exists
Creating a project production order with a consumed posting type should be allowed even though the costing sheet exists.
Below is the scenario
According to IFRS and POC if we ...
Create Batch order (process manufacturing) out of a Project
Add possibility to create a new batch order (process manufacturing) out of project.
Ability to select number sequence per project group
Ability to select number sequence per project group. This will allow users to have different project ID numbering. Making it easier to identify the source / purpose of the project. This also has other advancatages, such as:
- improved workflow conditions for other modules; many workfl...
Track the expected order value (revenue) against a customer PO value
Within the project record, allow users to input a customer requisition number and the value of the customer PO. Systematically track the variance between the customer value and the sales forecast for the project and alert users if the project is expected to exceed the value of the customer PO....
Customer reference and customer requisition fields
Customer reference and customer requisition fields should be available within the project header. These fields should be transferred from the project quotation, when available, and print on the project invoices as all customer invoices require a purchase order and/or reference.
Project/Category Validation at the Project Group or Type level
Validation for the project/category relationship should be extended to enable validation at the project type or project group level in addition to the project ID level. This could easily be achieved by providing a Type, Group, or Table option similar to the Project Ledger posting setup. In man...
Project Accounting information not available on production BOM created through Master planning
With reference to LCS Issue 728924.
When firming a planned production order, created from an item requirement and Posting method= Consumed, the system is triggering an Infolog and the project identification details are not copied in...
Regulate returned serial item in project
When a item with serial number is sold via a project item requirement and then the same serial number is returned (negative item requirement) back, the original line cannot be adjusted