Creating a project production order with a consumed posting type should be allowed even though the costing sheet exists.
Below is the scenario
According to IFRS and POC if we have a production order lasting 24 months, and each month we consume raw material, overhead, hours, they have to go into costs so that with POC logic (%complete)
We can achieve a revenue. If we can’t use posting method consumed, we stay 23 months with 0 costs and 0 revenues and then, when machine is reported as finished and so basically invoiced, I have all my costs and so my revenue.
This is not correct for an accounting perspective.
Hello Sreedhar!Thank you for posting idea. I also find this functionality crucial for long-term manufacturing processes. I agree that Microsoft should fix this issue.I would like to ask if you were able to find any workaround in standard functionality? Or you decided to not use Project management and accounting module at all?
Category: Project Operations for stocked/production order scenarios