Report Inspector
Similar to the page inspector, we would like to have a report inspector. The report inspector should allow us to see: - The ID and Name of the current report - The current selected layout (ID, Name, Type) of the report - The Dataset, it's values, and applied filters, of the current report - Any ...
Enable incremental refresh for Business Central in Power BI
Currently the Business Central connectors in Power BI, and Power Query, do not support incremental refresh:
Option to merge multiple pdf files into one document
Our users want to batch print Sales Invoices. In WinClient we could solve that, but now when running WebClient only (SaaS) we're having different troubles. Since we need to use the configured Custom Report Layouts, we have to print the invoices one a time. If we call Report.Run one at a time, th...
Direct printing
One of the biggest lack on D365BC SaaS is the direct printing functionality. On scenarios like warehouse and production having the possibility to direct print a report to a local printer is a must to have. Why not creating a functionality for that? It could be possible to handle this scenario wit...
Dynamic Filters for Reports
In Pages it's possible to use dynamic filters like %MYCUSTOMERS to create views that support users with "their" data. The advantage is the flexibility of the filter range - it's always up to date. If I use the same filter in a report (created by a job queue entry or using a report filter templat...
Allow users to change sort order of reports
When running a report there is no ability to change the report sorting order. This function was available in the Windows Client reports. For instance: when running the Aged Accounts Receivable report you could change the sorting to be Search Name rather No. which is more useful if using standar...
Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap.
Your help is greatly appreciated,
Mike Borg Cardona
Product Manager, Microsoft 
Update Analysis View: missing entries
In several cases the analysis view misses some expected entries. We shoud use the reset feature as workaround but, it is
quite annoying in organizations with several environments and companies. At the end of the month we must lose too much time to reset analysis views that should be prop...
Batch printing with different Custom Report Layouts
When printing reports that have a custom report layout that is configured per record (e.g. different custom "Sales Invoice" report layouts per Customer) the report must be printed per record (eg. per "Sales Invoice Header" record). Otherwise the custom report layout will be ignored. The users ...
Add Business Central as a Data Source in DataFlows
Currently it is not possible to connect a DataFlow directly to Business Central, like it is in Power BI Desktop:
Include "Data Export Services" to BC Cloud
Copy the Data export Services function from Dynamics 365 to BC Cloud Hi I will strongly recommend the BC Develoment team to take a look at the dynamics 365 Platform regarding the product Data Export Services, and include this as a technology to export data from BC. Not only for reporting purpose...