Our users want to batch print Sales Invoices. In WinClient we could solve that, but now when running WebClient only (SaaS) we're having different troubles.

Since we need to use the configured Custom Report Layouts, we have to print the invoices one a time.
If we call Report.Run one at a time, the user only gets the last pdf file
If we saves all pdfs into a zip and sends that to the browser, it's getting complicated for the user:
- They first need to unzip
- Then they need to print the reports:
○ one at a time
○ Or 15 (default Windows Limit) at a time by right-clicking if they got Adobe Reader installed
○ Or through a third party application if they want to print all in a go

To enable us to create user friendly apps we need a "Merge PDF Files" feature in the application, either as a built in platform function or as a codeunit wrapper around a new .NET dll.

And please, don't suggest that we should use Azure Functions for this. We've got a working Proof of Concept for joining pdfs, but it shouldn't be the solution for this. A lot of users and partners will have the same issues if this is not solved. There must be tons of reasons of not doing this as an Azure function, let me know if you really need some more arguments on this than the obvious.
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap. 
Your help is greatly appreciated, 



Do you have an update on this or are there good workarounds to solve this issue in the meantime?

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence


We have a client requirement to keep 50-75 Rechargeable Payable Invoices (PDF documents) in BC and these invoiced needs to sent to their client when billing them for reference, instead of sending 50-75 invoice attachment, we need to merge all these PDF documents into one PDF.

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence


Efficient document handling is very important on the path to digitization, so a PDF merge function is a must in a modern ERP solution.

Our customers want to send their invoices exclusively by email and PDF, therefore the option "Combine PDF Documents" in the "Document Sending Profiles" is basically a good idea. Unfortunately, this option/function does not support report selection (sales), which has very negative consequences, at least in our country.

In Switzerland, all invoices are created with an additional, separate QR-document. For this reason we have set up the following two reports in the report selection (sales) and we have activated the option "Combine PDF Documents" in the "Document Sending Profiles":

Report ID 206 "Sales Invoice"
Report ID 11510 "Swiss QR-Bill"

When emailing a sales invoice, this setup creates TWO SEPARATE emails. The first e-mail only contains the invoice as a PDF and the second e-mail only contains the QR-document as a PDF. That is not acceptable at all. In this scenario, only one single email should be created per invoice and in this email the invoice (Report ID 206) AND the QR-Document (Report ID 11510) should be combined in one single PDF-document.

We have already reached Microsoft Support about this serious problem (Ticket 2102110050003316), but we were only asked to create a new application idea. So here we are... Please add a fully integrated PDF merge function to the roadmap as soon as possible and make sure that this function is also taken into account in the report selection.

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence


We are now using an online service which converts the uploaded documents (Word/Excel etc.) to pdf and merge these pdf files to a single pdf. So an embedded function to merge multiple pdf's or documents for that matter would be very appreciated,

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence


Btw, this is related to Service Request 118120519420120

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence