Enable the Electronic reporting format destinations dialog box that appears when a free text invoice is posted on ALL business documents
There can be specific scenarios where a business document needs to use a specific destination than those destinations that were configured for the running ER format. Example: On the Electronic Reporting destination page, we have used the email purpose "Invoice" on the customer card to be used f...
ECO participation
In most European countries ECO participation is requested. This is a contribution to help recycling.
This is a trend all over European countries.
Eco participation is mostly based on unit and should be printed on invoice.
- Eco participation...
Configurable Business Documents enhancements for DIRECT PRINTING
With Version 10.0.9 "direct printing" was introduced as new option/destination type "print" within the reporting destinations of electronic reporting. However the functionality seems to be limited as follows: - Only one printer can be setup per report configuration! - There is no option to hav...
Thank you for your feedback.
Related functionality covering the idea has been implemented in 2021 Release Wave 2.
See the documentation for more details:
- Configure action-dependent ER destinations - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs
PM, Ilya Kondratenko
ISO20022 Credit transfer for customer payments
ISO20022 credit transfer is implemented for vendor payments in Dynamics Finance. User must be able to generate payment file for payments to customers. We need ISO20022 file format for customer payments. Reimbursement feature is not designed for scenarios where paying back to customers is part ...
Released in 10.0.35
When two registration numbers exist in one legal entity (Germany) the transaction code and the statistical procedure for two registration numbers should be there on transfer orders
When two registration numbers exist in one legal entity (Germany) and transferring the Intrastat for Transfer orders of the two registration numbers, the Transaction code, statistics procedure Country/region and State/Province are not defaulting the correct values for the e.g. Arrival.
Automate the way of transfer ER destinations from one legal entity to another and from one sandbox to another sandbox
There is no way to transfer the ER destinations from one legal entity to another and from one sandbox environment to another environment. It is time-consuming to maintain in different environments, especially if your client has a lot of legal entities and other sandboxes. We tried to look at a...
Electronic Reporting - Dataverse integration
Hi, At the moment one can set up electronic reports in RCS that integrate into Dataverse. This is currently not possible from within a single company in F&O. Request for change: Enable a dataverse integration in electronic reports within F&O directly that allows a combined reporting of data ...
German audit file (data export) should include Fixed Assets
German auditors and financial authorities regularly request companies to provide master data and transactions digitally for the audit. They always ask for General ledger, Accounts payable, Accounts receivable, Tax AND FIXED ASSET DATA. Microsoft provides an Electronic Reporting configuration for ...
Thank you for your feedback.
Fixed Assets data export is supported in German audit file (GDPdU) starting from:
- Data export model.version.33
- German audit file output.version.33.16
Find more details by the link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/finance/localizations/emea-deu-gdpdu-audit-data-export#fixed-assets
Elizaveta Golub
PM, Microsoft
Invoice with prepayment application
For the Italian localization it turns out that D365 won't post successfully an invoice in the case of prepayment applied. In details it's possible to create a prepayment on a purchase order and post the advance invoice, it is possible to pay the prepayment with a payment journal voucher, but then...
Thank you for your feedback.
We will consider this suggestion in our roadmap.
PM, Olga Oskina,
Configurable Business Documents - Enhance KEEP LINES TOGETHER functionality
In D365FO Electronic Reporting/Business Documents using Excel/Word templates it is not possible to keep lines together at printing a document with multiple pages. The problem is that for example an invoice line never has the same number of related table rows, because information like external ite...
This idea will be released in 2022 Release Wave 1
Released in 2023 Release Wave 2