In the RTC client you can adjust the width of the factboxes.
In the webclient you can hide it or show it. If you show the facbox the width is fixed.
Can you make the an end user can adjust the width of the factbox? So he can see the values in the faxbox but has more columns on his screen.
Category: General
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap. 

Your help is greatly appreciated, 
The Business Central team



@Microsoft, any ETA on implementing this?!

Category: General


Come on Microsoft.LETS DO THIS ALREADY!!!

Category: General


Please make this request a reality!!!! Not being able to adjust the factbox width is SUCH a pain. With more and more people like us switching from Nav to BC, you will have more and more people unhappy. The inability to adjust the factbox has been a MAJOR disappointment and slows down user TREMENDOUSLY.

Category: General


Please make it possible to adjust both width and height of factboxes.

Category: General


very nice to have, Display wide, screen small

Category: General


For some of our customer who use a document viewer, it is acutally not possible to work userfriendly. The document viewer doesn't view the whole Document. It is absolutly neccesarry to adjust the width of the Fact Box Area.Please bring this feature on your roadmap .... :-)

Category: General


Hi Microsoft,This is really something that needs urgent attention. We also have Document Viewer in Factboxes and the limitation means that the document is not displayed completely - which makes the factbox of very little use...It is really important that users are allowed to adjust width of Factboxes in Web Client.Thanks - Bhaskar Jani

Category: General


We have seen lots of great usability improvements lately. This idea seems like low effort/high impact in the useability section.

Category: General


Please, this is 2022 and the system really has to be user friendly. Our processes need to show quite some detailed information on lines so the fact box need to be adjusted in width. Moving into the cloud has been really challanging and Microsoft really need to consider to make it more user friendly. One small step for Microsoft and a giant step for users to have this fixed please.

Category: General


This is a request from several of our customers using BC SaaS and would make a big difference for all of our customers, please make this possible! And I agree, it should be easy to do it. You should not have to go through customize/personalization to achieve it.

Category: General

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