Save page filter with column layout
In the windows client version it was able to save the column layout while saving an own list. On the modern client, only the filter will be saved but not the colums of the page. It would be very helpful, if this feature would be back again. It gives the customer much flexibility
Add Filter Pane on Lookup Pages
Please add the filter pane on lookup pages. E.g. on a Sales Quote if you use look up to select a Customer or Item you cannot filter every field on that List Page.
Possible to adjust the width in webclient
In the RTC client you can adjust the width of the factboxes. In the webclient you can hide it or show it. If you show the facbox the width is fixed. Can you make the an end user can adjust the width of the factbox? So he can see the values in the faxbox but has more columns on his screen.
Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap.
Show number of recods in list
Add functionality showing number of records in i a list. Exampel, when you have filiterd all Sales Orders that has been created today, you do not see the number of records in a list. You need to export to Excel to be able to see the record number. Add functionality as in Dynamics 365 for Sales...
Search and filter on a Flowfield
Please make it possible to search and filter on a flowfield. Currently when you open a list page and apply a filter on a flowfield, it does not work. There are a lot of Lookup flowfields, that fetch descriptions based upon No.'s and it would be really great if it was possible to filter and searc...
Barcode Scanner Control for Phones and Tablets
It would be great to have a native control in BC (e.g. a special field type for Tablet-Client and Phone-Client) for scanning barcodes by using the camera of the device. The picture of the barcode should be interpreted within BC and the barcode value should be inserted into the field from where t...
SMTP Configuration
Allow more than just one email to be setup. Would like to be able to sent customer invoices from AP email and vendor PO's from Purchasing email.
Notify about Job queue stopped
Hi , can we have a feature on the job Queue to add the e-mail address of the key user's to notify that the job queue is stopped and need to be restarted, the user can then see the error and fix it. Later restart the job queue. Thanks
Business Central Team
Add possibility for users to add & personalize tiles in role centre
Customers frequently ask for the possiblity to personalize (the filtering of) tiles or even add new tiles to their role center. It is off course possible to add bookmarks to the role center and save filters/views, but the possiblity to personalize tiles is often missed.
Add extra attachement to email from BC
Hi, it would be great to by able to add a extra file to emails sent from BC. I need to add a pdf file with the sales invoice or quote but it is not possible. This is very important for some customers.