Select a specific approver at the time of requesting approval
We would like to be able to have a list of approvers, and then allow the user to select an approver from the list at the time they request approval. For example, our sales orders can be approved by any other sales person. So on the sales order, we would like to be able to click on Request Ap...
Over Ship for Sales Orders
BC allows for over receipt on purchase orders. It makes sense to similarly allow over shipment for sales orders as well.
Make Reservations Entries a Visible/Searchable List
Reservations Entries is not a searchable/visible list in BC and can only be accessed through a reservation itself. Users should be able to search for Reservations Entries, bookmark the list, save as filtered lists, and use the actions such as cancel reservation and links to different pages (i...
Item Tracking on Lines - add to Item Reclass, Consumption, and Output Jrnls
Add the new "Item Tracking on Lines" feature that is now available on the Item Journal to other item journals. Item Reclass, Consumption, and Output.
Allow reservation / item tracking on blanket sales order
We would like to be able to use item tracking and reservations on blanket sales orders.
Show filter pane on more pages
In Nav we could utilize the filter pane on Production Order Line Routings, for example. This allowed us to filter on more than one field at a time. It also allowed us to remove a pre-existing filter. For example, if we have multiple item lines on a Production Order, we could remove the Rout...
Allow personalization on lookup pages
Allow users to add/hide/move fields on lookup pages such as the lookup page for an item on a line. You cannot personalize unless you go into the "full list" but the original lookup page is where we want to personalize.
Calculate unit cost in item journal line based upon item tracking
If item tracking, such as lot no., is used: calculate the unit cost for that lot assigned in the item journal line, instead of pulling in the unit cost from the item.
Copy personalization from one user to another
We would like to be able to copy user A personalizations they did and apply to user B.