Knowledge Article - Linking articles and navigating search functionality
The following solutions that will improve the overall experience and usablility ofr Knowlegde Articles (KA) D365.
Requirement - Linking KA's:
- A KA creator must be able to link multiple KA's together.
- E.g. KA1 (paint wall) is linked to ...
Knowledge articles sent from CASE e-mail form: enabled tracking to flag it as "sent to customer=yes"
Currently when support agent use email form in CASE management, and use "Insert Knowledge Article" to include a KA in the email (this is great to send multiple articles in one email), the article is not linked to the CASE and not tracked in Knowledge Articles Incident entity as Sent to custome...
Show knowledge article author on article page
KB viewer need to know the author of knowledge article. Would be great to show this info on article page.
Allowing new owner to edit the Knowledge article without the need of saving the records and refresh it before hand
On Customer Service Hub, when a new owner assigns a knowledge article to themselves, they should not have to manually save the knowledge article record and then refresh it so that they can start editing the knowledge article' contents. As this would take unnecessary time and may cause confusio...
The Out-of-the-Box (OOB) behavior of the "Choose from Template" lookup field in Dynamics 365 only supports "starts-with" searches. We want it to be able to search templates that "contains" the given text.
The Out-of-the-Box (OOB) behavior of the "Choose from Template" lookup field in Dynamics 365 only supports "starts-with" searches. We want it to be able to search templates that "contains" the given text.
Allocate Capacity
FYI - MS 2410140050000894 (within Powerplatform - the button 'Allocate Capacity ' - shows overall capacity purchased - can you include a 2nd line in the screen below to show what capacity is actually available to use ?
the 1st screen sort of sends wrong meesag...
Allocate Capacity
Ref MS2410140050000894 (within Powerplatform -
the button 'Allocate Capacity ' -
Currently shows overall capacity purchased -
can a 2nd line be added to this screen to show what capacity is actually available to use...
Need a way to prioritize important articles other than just keywords
Coming from Oracle Service Cloud, I'm surprised how few options there are for controlling search results. Sometimes you want to prioritize important articles that contain similar key words, or you want a customer to read an introductory article first before they move on to other articles throu...
Unable to change Relationship type behviour for existing relationships
Able to change the relationship type behaviour referential to configurable cascading without any error.
Multiple Knowledge Articles searches to defaulting to the top of the list each time.
Issue Description - In the current environments, when you've performed a search on knowledge search, scrolled down the list of articles, and you decided to perform a second search, when you search a second time, the results will not default to the top (ie ...