Customer collaboration portal or workspace
Develop ability for a Customer collaboration portal or workspace similar to the Vendor collaboration that was released. I could not find any mention of a customer portal for Dynamics 365 for Operations to be released.
Saved views in view trade agreement unable to cancel the remove the applied filter.
If we open View trade agreement for an Item (Example D0001) and we apply filter on Saved View and return to standard view or we Remove the Filter. We will Return to View Trade agreement form and there will be no any filter.
Whereas we should reach to the View trade agreement of an Item ...
Thanks for entering this idea. Creating a saved view using, as example filter on specific account selection, selecting view as default, works well when entering the View Trade agreements form again from. Obviously, the same saved view with the same filter will be applied as default when entering the form from another released product context , which may not be appropriate. So while it is supported, there are scenarios where filters should be used with caution in a saved view.
Override Item VAT Group at Item Variant Level
Requirement: Certain territories including UK and Republic of Ireland are permitted to sell children's clothing and footwear at 0% VAT (Tax), whereas all adult sizes of the same item are standard-rated.
We are pleased to announce the general availability of Apply right tax with minimal effort in order entry for product variants | Microsoft Learn
Improve erratic Sales Order form grid behaviour
SR Number: 119052425001510 Setup: Generate a new Sales Order. On the Sales Order form set the following: 1. Collapse the Action pane 2. Minimize the Sales order header 3. Maximize the Sales order lines 4. Minimize the Line details This setup is in-order to view as many Sales Order lines as pos...
Please take a look at the latest generally available version 10.0.25. When testing tehy reported scenario, this issue has been resolved and there is no erratic form grid behaviour.
Ability to apply smart rounding after applying margin component price adjustments
When apply a margin component price adjustments, it will be great if we can apply smart rounding.
- Price 155
We appreciate you taking the time to create this input. It is possible to apply smart rounding to trade agreement journal lines before posting the journal lines such that you can apply the desired round up/down according to your smart rounding rule. In Trade agreement journals, select Adjustment and Apply Smart rounding. If this capability does not adress your feature request, then please create a new request with more detailled information.
Update documentation so that reader is not confused with how Dual Write works with pricing between CE and FO
This article that describes how the integration with Pricing Engine from CE works: is on its own straight-forward. However, there are a few links at the end of the article and especially...
We are pleased to announce that together with the the set of features releases as part of "Add efficiency in quote-to-cash with Dynamics 365 Sales", we have provided an alternative to the exsiting pricing regime, aswell as updated the current documentation.
Custom/personalized views in price agreements
The users get an error when creating personalized/custom views in price agreements. This will work for the first created view, but when trying to show it for a different price group, it will not work.
Thank you for creating this request. This request is supported in 2023 Release Wave 1, build 10.0.32.
ATP end date shouldn't confirm the sales order line
Today when there is no solution found within ATP time fence the sales order line is automatically confirmed at today + ATP time fence.
But Master planning uses confirmed date when it is filled-in so procurement/planning team doesn't see the real need for this sales order.
We need a...
Thank you for creating this Idea. Reading from your explaination of the Idea, an option to not automaticaly set the confirmed dates (ship and receipt) on a sales order already exist. Please set the "Confirm dates" option to "No" during sales order creation. Then the confirm dates will not automatically be set, only requested dates will be set.
Sales Quotation - Document Introduction / Conclusion
In 2012 you were able to assign a template to provide standard text for an Introduction and/or a Conclusion for a Sales Quotation.
In D365O this feature is half way there. You can create the templates, but you can't include them in the Posting section of the Sales Quotation header...
Thank you for your comment. This is a fair request and we will work on getting this capability back.
Olga T. Mulvad
PM, Microsoft
Unit conversion for automatic charges
Dear MS,
We sell items in "Pieces" and "Box of 4". And we apply automatic charges when selling these items. Currently it it is not possible to define charges per sales-unit. So the same charge will be applied to "Pieces" and "Box of 4". This forces us in using two different it...
We are pleased to announce that this requested capability is generally available from Microsoft Dynamics 365 SCM 10.0.38. To enable the feature, please consult this Microsoft Learn page: Units of measure for line-level charges - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
The Customer Portal has been completed and made generally available. Please checkout this link to MIcrosoft docs to learn more Customize and use the Customer portal - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs