Packing slip cannot be reversed if a non-stocked service item is used and the checkbox "prevent partial delivery" in the sales order line is enabledز
When a packing slip is posted for a non-stocked service item on a sales order line where "Prevent partial delivery" is enabled, you cannot subsequently reverse the posted packing slip quantity. Because the posted quantity is locked by "Prevent partial deliver...
Suggest Line discount calculation from the unit price instead of line amount will be available for country: United States
We checked this function is only available for country Poland: Line discount calculation from the unit price for Poland - Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn, This is great function for my customer, but due to the country limitation only available for Poland, my customer could not use thi...
Enhancing Sales Order Confirmation: Including All Lines Regardless of Status
Currently, when generating a sales order confirmation, the system query only includes sales order lines with an open status (SalesStatus = 1
). This behavior aligns with the standard design logic. However, this can cause issues when users want to share the confirmation with end cus...
Product search does not work if the product name is longer than 20 characters
It is not possible to enter items in quotations or sales orders via the product search (product name) if the product name is longer than 20 characters and several products start with the same product name. This will result in the wrong product being entered in the quotations and sales order li...
Auto Charge Calculation - Re-search on Posting - needs work
Currently we have the option to create a tiered auto-change that allows us to apply a charge to a customer’s order based on if the value is below a certain threshold. The most frustrating part though is that we have to click calculate tiered charges every time prior to confirming the order.
Cancel multiple sales journals from the action pane
Currently, D365 does not allow canceling more than one sales journal from the action pane at a time. The action pane cancel functionality only works when individually canceling sales journals. If more than one record is selected when using the 'cancel' button, the following error will display,...
When updating the sales quantity on the deliver remainder, the quantity on sales line should be updated
We have seen this often when some users go in and edit the Delivery remainder from the Update line option/dropdown. This actually would allow the user to update the open quantity to a different value than the ...
Request for Optimization of Functionality and Warning Message Implementation for SO with Open lines and WSH
Dear Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to escalate and seek optimization regarding a functionality that has caused challenges for our clients and their operations. Below is a summary of the situation and our request for enhancement:
Validation of customer account is not performed during sales quotation creation
With reference to LCS Issue977286
When a user is typing the customer account in the sales quotation creation form, and the drop-down selection is opened, when selecting the account from the list using the mouse to select the account, the system is not validating whether the a...
Extend the Unified Pricing Managements features on Sales Agreement
Extend the functionality related to Unified Pricing Managements also to Sales Agreements. When a sales agreement is of the "Product quantity commitment" type, the system should read the "new" price lists, currently it reads the "old" price lists, forcing you to have two populated price lists. ...