Multilanguage desciptions
Currently most of the standard description fields are not multilanguage and extensibility doens't allow us to change this.
For Belgium this is a critical issue since we have 3 official languages and the goverment dictates us to provide communication to employees (so Employee self service,...
Fix German translation of batch group
The German translation of batch group was changed from "Stapelverarbeitungsgruppe" in AX 2012 to "Chargengruppe" in D365. This not correct and should be undone.
Issue fixed and released in App10.0.11.
Fix German Translation for mi=LedgerParameters ControlName=PriorYearCorrection
In General Ledger Parameters, GeneralTabPage, ControlName=PriorYearCorrection the Label reads in German "Correction" as it's not translated, same String as in LNG=en-us checked against PU 31 and 10.0.12 (10.0.507.10024) Update36 (7.0.5688.35584) Correct Spelling is "Korrektur"
Thanks for the feedback. Fix has been provided to Plat Update39.
Fix German Translation for mi=CustParameters ControlName=SalesSetupTabPage
In "Accounts receivable parameters" - General - Tab number 3 - "Sales Setup" is not translated in german checked against PU 31 and 10.0.12 (10.0.507.10024) Update36 (7.0.5688.35584) Translation in German could be: "Verkaufseinstellungen" or "Einstellungen für Verkauf"
Thank you for the feedback. Fix has been provided to Plat Update39.
Fix German Translation for mi=CustParameters - Ledger and Sales Tax - Enable date of VAT register changing
Running 10.0.12, the german Translation has not made it into the configuration. Accounts receivable parameters - Ledger and Sales Tax - General - Slider "Enable date of VAT register changing" - ControlName "Posting_EAnableDateOfVATRegisterChanging_CZ" Tooltip also in English: "Enable date of VAT...
Thank you for the feedback. The fix is now verified being in Plat Update38.
Fix German Translation for mi=CustParameters - Settlement - Post credit note for cash discount
Checked in 10.0.10 and 10.0.11, seems the German Translation has not made it into these environments. Accounts receivable parameters - Settlement- Options Field "Post credit note for cash discount" Type Boolean and Field "Reason code for cash discounts" Type Text do not how a german Text but ...
Issue fixed and will be in App10.0.14/PU38
Fix German Translation for mi=VendParameters - Prevent duplicating Federal tax IDs
New in 10.0.11, this Boolean Switch only has an english name and seems to have missed german translation procedures. Located: Accounts Payable Parameters - General Please add german Translation for "Prevent duplicating Federal tax IDs" an the Hover Text "Prevent duplicating Federal tax IDs - S...
Thank you for the feedback. This has been fixed in App AX10.0.14.
Fix German Translation for Invoice - Copy and Free text Invoice - Copy
In Account receivable > All Free Text Invoices > Invoice > Document [View] and [Send], you can pick Copy or Original Same in Account receivable > Open Customer Invoices Translation in German of Original is okay, but for "Copy" the Translation says "Kopieren", correct wording is "Kopie" Please...
Fixed for PU36. GA July 8th.
Fix German Translation in feature "Credit Management" - Rank Settlement Discounts
The new feature "Credit Management" implements new menus. the english path is credit and collections > Setup > Credit management setup > Rank Settlement discounts the geman Translation is wrong. It now shows "Rangfolge für Rabattausgleiche erstellen" The correct spelling is "Rangfolge für Sk...
Issue fixed
Fix German Translation in feature "Credit Management" - Credit and Collection Parameter - Credit
The new feature Credit Management, once activated, adds some new menus. The error is in "Credit and collection parameters" , the Tabs from top are named - Collections - Credit - Number Sequences The german Translation is incorrect. The Parameter String says "Parameter für Kredit und Inkasso" ...
Issue fixed
Field descriptions have been provided in all FO support languages for the last years. Suggested to check with any App AX10 or beyond releases.