Ability to export Members of Real Time Marketing Segment to Excel
Outbound marketing provided the ability to export members of a Segment to Excel. Real Time marketing no longer provides this feature, which is still very much required by customers. Business scenario's we have encountered is where the business sends out physical print to customers via post. Th...
Segment Relationship 1:N from Contact
It would be great to be able to view what Segments a Contact is a member of and view this relationship from the Contact record. Currently this is not achievable.
This work has been planned.
Please allow to customise the segment members grid
At this moment the segment members grid is hardcoded to show the predefined columns. It will be useful to honour Dynamics 365 view or something similar when displaying the grid.
Thank you for your feedback.
This is a great suggestion! We feel there should be more support to have this idea implemented.
Dynamics 365 Marketing
Please provide preview before making the segmentation live
At this moment for the dynamic segment, it doesn't give us the ability to preview the member list before the segment is made live. And even after it made live, it took some time for the segment to be populated. From the usability point of view, this is inefficient for the marketing manager to ...
Thank you for your feedback.
This will be included in the new Real time Marketing segmetnation experience that we are releasing in the next wave.
Allow us to ask for segment members in the advanced find
We want to ask for segment members in the advanced find to combine segment criteria and advanced find criteria (which are much more than segment criteria) and to build views and dashboards based on it. (There is a bug that shows the "segment member" entity in the advanced find but it doesn't w...
Allow us to force a segment refresh
Currently there is some mystical timeframe which segments refresh the members. Maybe once an hour. For someone who is trying to create a segment and test it to see what members it returns this is impossibly slow. If you make a first stab at the list, you can't expect people to go away for an h...
Thank you for your feedback.
We are providing several related tools to improve the respective performance:
1. Live Editing of segments
2. Instant Evaluation of changes being done by the user
3. Much enhanced query performance
With those enhancements in place a force refresh now is less relevant. But if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Christian Abeln, PM,
Fix error in real-time segment builder to combine segments as elements and use criterias in related table
This is actually a bug, but I was encouraged by support to report it as an idea.
The error applies to real-time marketing segment builder, where the use of several segments with the combination "and also" as criteria elements gives the wrong number of contacts. The same appli...
Minor enhancements to improve journey
The ability to share a segment with other team members
Currently it’s not possible to share segments with other team members which is a major impact on customers. Can this be changed so that the creator of a template can share it with their team members?
Allow us to modify the views of members in a segment
Currently the list is very unhelpful, it shows full name, email1, phone, Account name, and crmrecordid (quite possible the most useless field ever displayed anywhere as we can't use it for anything at all in the real world). The list is not even sorted alphabetically. Clicking on most of the c...
Thank you for your feedback.
This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.
Christian Abeln, PM,
Email Leads / Market to Leads
Several companies want the ability to communicate to Leads who are not associated with Contacts. Today, you cannot create a segment with leads, you cannot use a Marketing List in a Journey with leads because it only allows subscription lists (which must be contacts). Business Case: Use a Simpl...
The ability to export segment members is now available. Learn more.