Outbound marketing provided the ability to export members of a Segment to Excel. Real Time marketing no longer provides this feature, which is still very much required by customers. Business scenario's we have encountered is where the business sends out physical print to customers via post. They are using D365 Marketing to segment their customer base and need the ability to export a segment to Excel and provide the list to a mailing house for printing and postage.
Really need a similar functionality in RTM as well to export the members from RTM segments
Category: Segmentation
This feature and the ability to search for members within a segment—just as we could in Outbound—are highly needed.
Category: Segmentation
I kindly ask for the realization of the idea. This feature would definitely make work easier for certain users.
Category: Segmentation
It is absolutely critical to be able to sort, filter or export segmentmembers - there should also be a possibility to add / change columns for an export.
Category: Segmentation
Please get this implemented!!
Category: Segmentation
In the process of starting the transition from Outbound to Real-time and... Need this functionality. Basic functionality.
Category: Segmentation
Totally bonkers that this is not available. How can we expected to transition from Outbound when you can't even do simple things like QA your audience segments.
Category: Segmentation
@Microsoft Any Idea when this is going to be implemented?
Category: Segmentation
Please get this implemented
Category: Segmentation
It is absolutely critical to be able to sort, filter or export segmentmembers - there should also be a possibility to add / change columns for an export.
Category: Segmentation
Administrator on 11/18/2024 9:56:21 AM
The ability to export segment members is now available. Learn more.