PEC emails - Introduction to business Central
A scenario drew our attention, as it was related to a case with Business Central, specifically about PEC emails.
Currently, on base functionality level, there is no integration within BC to send PEC emails from our product.
That said, there is an extension pre...
Being able to pick the address on Sales Quotes report
Partner has requested for the ability to pick the final address on a Sales Quote report between the option of the "Sell to" customer address and the "Bill to" secondary customer address.
Currently, this functionality is made so that "Bill-To"" address will take higher priority...
Improvement of "Report Layout" functionality
With the "Custom Report Layouts" functionality having entered Legacy state with it to be deprecated at a certain point, we should begin using the new "Reports Layout" function to add our custom reports.
In the old functionality, we are able to create a blank Word do...
Adyen Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) Compliance requirements in FnO Receipt designer
In D365 Finance and Operations Commerce, on the receipt designer there is no current possibility to add currency conversion which is required by Adyen for the usage of DCC: the exchange rate, the markup and the source of this information.
When partners use Adyen as a payment m...
Accurate On-hand inventory representation on POS/Store commerce application
Is there anything that can be done from a store level to inform the cashiers that they’re selling into a negative? We have an issue whereby the stores are selling into negatives frequently for a few different reasons and it would be good for them to have visibility at store level, instead of o...
Improved management of Indexes In Business Central SaaS
In Business Central SaaS, Indexes are created automatically by suggestion of automatic Azure SQL performance recommendations, referencing article Database advisor performance recommendations - Azure SQL Database | Microsoft Learn, by creating missing indexes, with the goal of the automation be...