History List & Favorites Bar
Please add a History List and Favorites Bar similar to what Microsoft provides in the Edge browser. Often times I will accidentally exit out of a window/report/document I'm working on only to have to go through the arduous task of navigating through the menus/search bar to get back to it, which ...
Reports - Print Preview - Return to Report Settings Button
Please add a Return to Report Settings Button (or Close Preview Button) in the Report Print Preview window, which would allow the user to return to the report settings to make adjustments in the event the preview format/info is not as desired. This would save the user from having to re-navigate ...
Fix - Projected Cash Payments Report
Please fix the Projected Cash Payments report. Ever since upgrade to v14 the report now shows a errant duplicate amount of the last valid amount of any column and copies it to every following row all the way down to the column total. Please fix.
Sales Order Number on Corrected Sales Invoice
It appears that the Sales Order number on the original Sales Invoice does not transfer to the corrected Sales Invoice when the Correct action is used to create a corrected Sales Invoice. This leaves missing data in the Customer Ledger that breaks the audit trail for the corrected invoice. Pleas...
Sales Order is Locking due to abandoned sales lines
Please fix the issue with Sales Order locking (becomes inaccessible) when the order has an incomplete sales line. The incomplete sales line is typically caused when the user tabs out of their final sales line, which automatically creates the next line with the line type auto-populated. If the u...
Posted Sales Invoice - Correction Function
The "Correct" function for Posted Sales Invoices appears to have changed and is no longer functional on a Posted Sales Invoice that was created from a Sales Order. I have used the Correct function many times in the past to fix pricing or quantity issues on a Posted Sales Invoice and it worked pe...