Copy formula line work instructions to new formula version/formula when copying from an existing formula
When creating a new formula and formula version by copying an existing formula the work instructions at the formula line level to not copy over. This creates additional work for users to copy and paste the work instructions from the old formula to the new. It would be much more efficient if t...
Mobile Device Menu item Activity Code for Serial number inquiry (similar to LP inquiry)
Would like to see an activity code for mobile device menu items that would allow inventory inquiry by serial number. There is currently an LP inquiry but nothing for serial number. This would be beneficial for our sites that have inventory using serial number.
Ability to Add an Attachment to a Received Transfer Order
We would like the ability to add an attachment to a transfer order that is in Received status. Currently that is not possible, only when in Created or Shipped status. There are times when we would like to attach an invoice or other paperwork to the transfer order after the receipt has been d...
Ability to Add Attachment to Posted Invoice Journal for Vendors
We would like the ability to add an attachment to a posted vendor invoice journal, currently we are not able to do this as the New button is grayed out. This would be helpful if we have additional document received after the journal is posted that we want to attach to the journal for reference...