Allow users to submit leave requests for date range without having to fill in hours/day per day that they are requesting leave for
In our organization we have individuals who can take leave time for up to 6 months. Because of this it is very difficult for both users and HR staff to process these requests as they have to fill in information for each day that is a part of that leave. This can be an arduous process to go thr...
Need transparency on dependencies when trying to delete certain objects
This continues to be an issue with our Personnel staff as there are times when we need to delete a Worker record, a department record, a position, etc. If these objects have dependencies we are unable to perform the delete option and then we have to search for what records the dependencies are...
Managing the document Restriction default
It would be nice if there was some way in the system to be able to mark whether a document should be internal or external for the default restriction in the system. The majority of documents that our HR team loads are internal so they have to adjust the restriction on the majority of uploads. It ...
Ability to create true relationships between worker records
For example, in our non-profit organization, many workers have spouses that work as well and it would be nice to be able to link the worker records/personnel numbers together for quick access purposes.
Simplified Worker Search
Searching for Workers in Personnel Management is fine, except for the fact that often our HR team members have to go to the Personnel Management workspace, then click on 'Links', then click on Workers to do their appropriate search. It would be great if there was a way on either the global search...
Allow Rehire Flag Changes
Currently the 'Allow Rehire' flag is default set to a value of 'No' when a Worker is first hired into the HR system. This is confusing to HR staff who look up the record after hiring the individual. It appears that the Human Resource Parameters default for this particular field is only for during...
Personalization Changes Needed
Under System Administration there is settings for Personalization in the system. It is great to see that Personalizations can now be applied to security roles as that is very helpful. However, one thing that still seems to be a shortcoming is the ability to not allow users to Personalize their ow...
Ability to limit use of active address and contact information purpose types in ESS/MSS
For my organization, we have leverage the classification of business under contact types for the worker's corporate email address. Unfortunately, this is visible to be adjusted/changed by the worker through their ESS/MSS which causes integrations to break. Many processes rely on certain values to...
Option to change sort order defaults for Case Logs
We use cases pretty extensively in my organization. One common request for our HR users is to change the default sort order (by date) for entries into the case log for a specific case number. Almost every time our users go to look at their case log they have to change the default order from oldes...