Assigning a record changes the value of "completed by" of associated activity & reflect the new owner
1) Find an opportunity that is owned by other user. And it should have associated activities completed by the same user.
2) Open the opportunity and click the Assign button.
3) Assign the opportunity to yourself.
4) Refresh the page and you will see that the activity has now been “Com...
Missing metadata from SharePoint documents after enabling server based SharePoint integration
After enabling server based SharePoint integration, most of the metadata is missing from the SharePoint documents. For e.g.: the document type field, the date field are missing from the SharePoint documents in CRM 2013 online organization after enabling server based SharePoint integration.
Unable to to decrement the value of 'quantity on hand' field of a Product record when an Order Product is created for the same product in CRM Online
When an order is created for product in CRM Online, the 'Quantity On Hand' field's values does not change.
It will be good if we can get correct quantity which we have left for a particular product.
Changing the defult Carency for CRM Online without loss of data and customization deleted
We have to change the base currency without losing the data
Audit Summary View - export to excel
On the Audit Summary View we are unable to export the data to the Excel in the form of Reports as there is no command bar displayed on the Audit Summary View page.
Needs to expand the pixel width of the view for Duplicate Detection Job
Needs to expand the pixel width for view duplicates in the system job form
Email template should populate the correct values, when email is has user record in To or CC.
When an email is being sent with global template and if the email has user record listed under 'To' or 'CC' field, email template gets the values of incorrect record.
Example 1:
- User A does not have Main Phone populated.
- User B has Main Phone populated
- User A sends an...
"Display label" on the Dashboard is not showing
On a Dashboard, even if we select "Display label on the Dashboard" for a List Component - the Label is not displayed on the Dashboard
- Go to Settings ->Customization -Customize the system-> Dashboard -> Open Sales dashboard or create a new one
- Double click on Activities grid/cha...