Relate the customer journey to products if you advertise products
Ability to add one or multiple products you advertise for from the product entity (incl. Bundles, Kits, etc) to be able to track and work product based advertising. incl. Lead nurturing / cross selling customer journeys from an initial product over (one or several) follow-up products.
CRM views: add column Search --> All as default setting
Our internal crm 'end user' does not know what 'Custom' or Default means. She just opens the forms and once she does not find the field in the list, she skips her try to add a field on the fly, frustrated as 'it is not there'.
Recent records: add symbol for distinction between lead, contact
if you swap between lead and contact of the same fullname you have a couple of 'John Smith' in the navigation right after Recent Symbol. Times you want the lead, times you want navigate back to the contact but you cannot see which one is the lead and which one is the contact. For faster naviga...
Lead Outlook Synchronisation as Task
One of the discussions we had if ever you could sync a lead as an outlook task?
Yes, you could create a workflow that makes a task for a lead but if the lead has a est closed date to have e.g. this one as a due date on the task for a seller popping up in his outlook opening it up and nav...
Modern Advanced Find & Filter: Filter first, then add a new column should not reset the filers added before
Once you add an additional field as a column to a view you have currently and temporarily (without savig prior to adding the column) edited, the column will be added but the filters you have created will be reset. The user would have to re-create the various filter setttings which could lead t...
Modern Advanced Find: add Buttons "Edit Columns", "Edit Filters" to other areas of the System
add these buttons with adding columns or filtering options to
- associated views (--> see associated records: you are stuck with the fields defined and no options to add columns or filters temporarily; as you might use the records in different context, there might be a need to adopt ...
add isdisabled the ability to be displayed as a column to check if the user is enabled or not
when you have a list of users, you cannot spot quicky if this user is still active or inactive.
workaround is to create a custom field and then re-run on demand workflows.... really??! ;-)
for security it is imporant to see who is still active or not (helps to deactivate users who...
Modern Advanced Find: Select existing (ungrouped) AND criteria attributes and turn them into an OR group
Right now if you have a set of AND conditions (with no group) you want them turn into an OR condition, make group does delete(!) all the selected conditions and you have to re-create them from scratch (in the old ADF this smoothly turned the selected items into an OR group maintaining the cond...
Modern Advanced Find: search for translations
In the old ADF we did use some custom fields for translations:
Name(DE), Name(FR), Name(EN). and default Name used for e.g. Italian.
for lookup records or in adf searches we could enter it in any language writing way like england or angleterre and we got the same record. Now with t...