Bypass selecting a product page when fulfilling a customer order on store commerce
Let's dive into the business scenario:
A restaurant experiences high customer traffic, with orders placed online or via phone and picked up at the restaurant. The current process is as follows:
- A customer places an order online or through a call center.
- The customer ar...
Custom columns extension point for InventoryDocumentCreationView
Custom columns extension point for InventoryDocumentCreationView, most of the inventory views having the possibilty to define/reorder columns during journal creation but TransaferOrder In/Out (InventoryDocumentCreationView) lacks this option
Extension point for cu...
Allow Pre-selected dimensions during ProductSearch/Scan in all inventory views
Steps to reproduce:
1) Open any inventory operation
2) Scan product (add new line)
3) Scan result is Product Master with pre-selected Color dimension
4) Pre selected Color dimension is ignored in variant selection dialog
Store Commerce Run as a Service
We would like to have a feature that runs store commerce (SCA) download sessions as a service.
Problem 1: In scenarios where a named windows account is used for each user, when they leave SCA running and another user comes along they cannot launch SCA without a reboot since i...
Store Specific Custom Text Box For Receipt Footers
It would be very helpful to have a store specific custom field in the footer of the receipt that would be easily updated. Throughout the year messaging changes at the bottom of many store receipts. Store Operating Hours, Scheduled Events etc. that are placed in the footer of the Receipt.
Simplification of the “send email receipt” step at POS
Current situation:
At the POS in the SCA during the checkout there is a step called "Do you want to email the receipt?"".
In this step you need to enter your email address and there is also a boolean field that must be switched from “off” (default) to “on” t...
Ability to Modify Additional Information for Compact Screen Layouts
The ability to be able to edit the "additional information" section of the screen layout is required, especially for compact devices. When using a mobile device for point of sale, the width of the information that can be captured is limited, Item / Quantity / Price, etc. There are instances wh...
Carry Out Quantity field on Receipts
We would like to see a field in the receipts for displaying that this line was carried out during this edit step of a Customer Order. Currently the data doesn't support this easily even as an extension. Delivery mode is a constant, this requirement would be to show that a specific transaction ...
Trigger an operation from an info code subcode
With self-checkout being all the rage, many retailers with loyalty programs will want to make it simpler for a customer checking themselves out to add their loyalty information to a transaction.
With current functionality, the customer would need to add themselves to the trans...
Receipt Id generation during Void transaction in POS/Store Commerce
Some customer wants to send to a Third Party all sales transactions that are made at the POS including void transactions, but all these sales transactions have to have a ReceiptId including void transactions because they need to control all sales transactions that are made at the POS with Rece...