Cases table spacing to ideal
I suggest that in Customer Service the Cases table spacing would be edited to looking ideal. Now after the rows there are empty space that disturbs the case management. The higher the table the bigger the empty space.
To show the image in PowerApps portal timeline that is posted from Dynamics 365 CRM timeline
whenever, the image or screenshot is posted from the dynamics 365 crm record timeline, it only displays the paragraph but it does not show the screenshot or image on the powerapps portal timeline of the same record. the image should be displayed.
the portal is used by the client and if ...
Automatic Case status change when customer responds back
Currently we have "Pending Customer Response" and "Waiting for Customer Confirmation" when the custom...
Case management, sort case priority
Current Issue:
In Microsoft Dynamics 365, the Case Priority column is currently sorted alphabetically instead of following a logical priority order. This leads to unexpected sorting results such as:
- Ascending Order:
Read aloud option for Customer Name
Have an option to read aloud the name of the customer contact so that when calling we have some idea of how to pronounce it. The read aloud option via web client jumps around too much and would be nice to click a button that does it solely for the customer's name. We get cases in all regions...