Dark Mode
Please have a dark mode within the app. A black/dark grey background with white/light grey text will be highly appreciated.
Change journal form filters to use dynamic functions to support sharing
Many forms, typically those for journals, have locked filters that get populated with user id's and user group id's specific for that user. That makes sharing workspace objects for those journals impossible, because the importing user cannot make changes to the existing filters.
Disable unused indexes to reduce storage costs
We could reduce the operational cost for our customers drastically if we had the possibility to disable certain indexes that come with standard F&O that are not used in the context of a customer.
In AX 2012, it was possible to achieve this by setting a SysDeletedObjects config...
Export/Import of roles from one D365 environment to another
Today the export/import function of new customized/edited roles are very limited in D365.
If you have made some new roles in a test environment and you want one or more of those roles imported into a prod environment, you would get all edited/customized roles from test into th...
Enable in LCS an unlink from PowerPlatform button for environments that were linked
When a new environment is deployed from LCS there is an option to link it to a PowerApps environment that is created at that time. Or for environments that are already deployed in LCS it also permits to create the link to a PowerApps environment.
Please add in LCS the option to unlink t...
Checking flights status from LCS in each environment
It would be nice if Microsoft allowed to the customers to check the flights status from LCS in each environment without opening a ticket. With the flight feature introduced in D365F&O, we need to know the flights status in each service updating.
Please try...
Allow advanced date queries to be used in views and entities
It is possible to use advanced date queries in views and entities as described here. However, these date queries only make sense when they a...
Proactive Quality Updates - improvements
Hi Microsoft,
We have some suggestions for improvements for the proactive quality updates:
- Include track in the KB articles in LCS
- Create better documentation of the KB articles in LCS to include more documentation on the actual issue to be able to a targeted regres...
How to check mapping between expense report and cash advance by the other user
The mapping information is only available to the employee who submits the cash advance and does the mapping with expense line in their Expense management workspace. However, the user also wants to check this information for management purpose. They already face with the problem about user map ...
Mass Update the option "Show Task list on default dashboard" on User level
Mass Update the option "Show Task list on default dashboard" on User level. Currently it is not possible to add this field to the 'User information' Data entity.
This is already possible using the advanced query syntax, specifically using the "T" operator for today's date or the syntax that allows SysQueryRangeUtil methods. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/fin-ops/get-started/advanced-filtering-query-options for more details.