Distribute the Project invoice purposals to be processed considering individual size of proposals and not only amount of proposals to process
There are 100 invoice proposals need to be generated. 10 Threads are available. Current code in standard allocates 10 invoice proposals to each thread, based on the pure number of invoice proposals, equally spread. Our issue: The proposals do have significant deviations in their size, because ...
Add database size and usage information in Health Metrics for Self-service deploments where there is no System Diagnistic tool
All customers are asking for an easy way to get the database size and usage details. In the new self-service deployment type of environments the System Diagnostics feature is deprecated and not accessible. Please and another view in Monitoring/HealthMetrics/System or SQL Insights tabs to have a ...
Enable in LCS an unlink from PowerPlatform button for environments that were linked
When a new environment is deployed from LCS there is an option to link it to a PowerApps environment that is created at that time. Or for environments that are already deployed in LCS it also permits to create the link to a PowerApps environment.
Please add in LCS the option to unlink t...