Hi Microsoft,
We have some suggestions for improvements for the proactive quality updates:
- Include track in the KB articles in LCS
- Create better documentation of the KB articles in LCS to include more documentation on the actual issue to be able to a targeted regression test
- Ensure we can have a sandbox environment on some level as PROD to be used for support (one sandbox should be able to opt. out of the proactive quality updates for tst environemnts)
- Same dates for the proactive quality update montly so it will be easier to plan testing of it
BR the Release Mangement team in Columbus
In respect to better documentation, each PQU should include a full set of release notes similar to what we get with each full release and be noted on a site where all release notes can be referenced...similar to this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/get-started/whats-new-home-page
Category: General