Total Rewards Statement
Many organizations are looking to provide their employees a total rewards statement. This type of report/statement should include the following type of information, but not be limited to the following: ~Salary/hourly rate, raises, bonuses, and commission information ~Medical benefits coverage&...
Ability for Benefit Modifications Without a life event
Currently in the system, benefits require a life event for modification. Some benefit types/plans allow for updates or modifications at any time without a life event (HSA plans, some types of FSA plans, etc.). It would be great if the system could accommodate some of those alternate plan types in...
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Ability to have different types of rate calculations when setting up plans
In other applications that have benefits components there many different ways to calculate benefit rates. Many of these are driven by plan documents and contracts, and so it would be in the best interest of Microsoft to increase functionality (understanding that Benefits is a relatively new modul...
Thank you for your suggestion. To help us in our review process, we’re requesting votes from the community to help us understand the importance of this functionality. This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Make Benefit plan validation on other medical plan options
Would like to have the ability to make coverage option limits or selections of other benefit plans based on the selection of another benefit plan. Example 1: Voluntary Spouse Life - Spouse life is often not allowed unless the Employee selects voluntary life, and then it's generally limited to 5...
Thank you for your suggestion. To help us in our review process, we’re requesting votes from the community to help us understand the importance of this functionality. This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use a benefit in multiple benefit bundles
We have situations where companies have bundles with different medical plans, but they want to bundle them with an HSA plan or other plans without having to create multiple plans to do a bundle. Example, you have two different High deductible Medical plans, and want to bundle the HSA plan with bo...
Thank you for your suggestion. To help us in our review process, we’re requesting votes from the community to help us understand the importance of this functionality. This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Ability to track versions for benefit plans
Ability to record detail changes for benefit plans. For example, maximum contributions for a plan may change year to year. It would be useful to have version tracking so that there is a history of the details. Similar to the changes timeline functionality on positions and jobs.
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Ability to copy benefit plans
Functionality to create new benefit plans by copying from existing ones. There can be several versions of the same plan with the way the system is structured. It would be useful to have a functionality that can copy details from other plans, similar to the copy position functionality.
Thank you for your suggestion. To help us in our review process, we’re requesting votes from the community to help us understand the importance of this functionality. This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Add to cart option hidden behind ellipsis in benefit self service
Employees often return to benefits self service to adjust their plan selections or change their options for a life event. If plans have been confirmed, the system will grey out the 'Add to cart' option on self service. However, for plans that were not selected before, the system will hide the 'Ad...
Thank you for your suggestion. After careful consideration, we’ve decided not to proceed with this functionality at this time. This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Add Domestic Partner Child as a separate Personal Contact Relationship that can be chosen in Coverage Options in Benefits
Need a way to designate a child as a domestic partnership child for coverage options in benefits. Many companies have plans that are specific to domestic partnerships and we need a way to differentiate between a child and a domestic partnership child in the system for these plans.
Thank you for your suggestion. After careful consideration, we’ve decided not to proceed with this functionality at this time.After careful consideration, we’ve decided not to proceed with this functionality at this time. This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Available Loaned equipment
It could be great if already loaned equipment disappeared from the Loan item list when assigning an item to a worker in the same way that occupied positions disappear from the position assignments.
Feature has been released
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