Public Profile
  • Import Demand forecast from Excel

    We need to be able to import a demand (production) forecast from Excel. This could include a export and then import forecast. Having to manually type the forecast in is not useable for customers with many forecast items. Importing via rapid start is complex due to the validation of the underlying forecast entries table. This mod has been done many times in the past in on-premise for our customers but at some point it should be stock functionality.
  • Weekly forecast - show date and not just week number

    When using the demand forecast by week - only the week number is shown. It would be extremely helpful to either show the date (Sunday or Monday of the week) vs the week number or show both the date and the week number.
  • Cortana Forecast to the Demand/Production Forecast

    The cortana forecast engine could actually be useful if it had an option to populate the Demand Forecast. The current functionality that is demoed is basically a nice marketing demo and any company of size suing BC would not purchase from the item records as it is not efficient. Companies of any size would use the planning and requisition worksheet which can incorporate the demand/production forecast. This would be using cortana for basic forecasting tool based on past usage like they demo now but populating the demand forecast for planning use. This may still not be enough for most companies since there is quite a bit of complexity (multiple forecast algorithms, item/family increases or decreases, product end of life/replacement, etc.)needed to forecast and might be better suited to a ISV application
  • Toggle Action messages - planning, requisition and subcontract worksheets

    A very common modification we do is to add a toggle to set the Accept Action Messages boolean to true or false for all records or a filtered set of records in the Planning, Requisition and subcontract worksheets. It's a big timesaver and a simple modification.
  • Require Pick - Sales vs Production

    We have had several customers who only want to use the pick for their sales order / warehouse shipment and would like to not require a pick on the production or assembly orders. Some of our customers replenish bins in the work center bin that is used for production or move bulk product to the work centers via movements or reclass entries (usually semi-automated on a scanner). It would be good to be able to be more specific on where you want to use picks and where you do not and allow flexibility for alternate processes.
  • Overpick / Over Consume Production Picks

    Need the ability to over picak and over consume. We have several customers who need to be able to over pick (may pick an entire roll or box of a product vs a small amount). They would pick the roll for a production order and then return the remaining quantity when production completes via a movement. They then need to be able to over consume the item as needed based on what they actually used.
  • Production Flow for attachments

    Need to add a Production Flow for attachments like exists for Purchase and Sales flows. Item attachments when marked for Production Flow should show on production order pages. New attachments added to a production order (quality inspections, photos, etc.) should be visible as the production order moved from released to finished. There also should be a way for them to be viewed from the item record when reviewing historical production entries to see any related attachments.
  • View all errors - rapid start

    Need to be able to see all errors with the error description vs one at a time and copy or send to excel. It is very inefficient for the user to have to see each error detail individually and then try to resolve. In on-premise we are able to remove the record filter when we view the error to see all errors fro a particular table or even for a package or even all errors for all packages. We can then past to excel. This is very useful as then the user can resolve many errors at once (via data mapping, validation changes, adding supporting date, etc.). I have a work around where I create a rapid start package and add table 8617 Config Package Error table and then I can export this to excel to see all the errors.
  • Job Card / Production Order Report

    This is probably one of, if not the, worst report in BC, it doesn't even have the component item description. This report would be a great report to put some effort into, create some word layout alternatives, etc.
  • Production Order / Job card report (99000762)

    This is probably one of, if not the, worst report in BC, it doesn't even have the component item description. This report would be a great report to put some effort into, create some word layout alternatives, etc.