Report RDLC Layout Real-time Preview
Hello, I have an idea how to accelerate RDLC report layout designing. Consider that report creating is composed of two parts: a) Define Dataset in *.al b) Define Report Layout in *.rdlc Printing report processing means: a) Evaluate Dataset (Dataset.xml) b) Evaluate Parameters (Paramset.xml) c)...
Validate Xliff files agains XSD when AL Package
Today is possible to corrupt Extension when included translation file (Xliff1.2) is not valid. This causes the language to disappear completely. Please, can you Validate *.xlf files (XML) against schema (XSD) "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2
Smart Publishing
Please implement smarter publishing based on check sums.
when I'm publishing from *.app from VS CODE, I think that is can be done smarter/faster.
"AL Language" can decide if application with same code (same CRC is already published).
If application is already publi...
"Http Web Request Mgt." & Encoding
It should be nice to support encodings in Codeunit "Http Web Request Mgt.".
Today function e.g. SendRequestAndReadTextResponse supports only default encoding "TextEncoding::MSDos".
So, I am not able work with e...