
I have an idea how to accelerate RDLC report layout designing.

Consider that report creating is composed of two parts:
a) Define Dataset in *.al
b) Define Report Layout in *.rdlc

Printing report processing means:
a) Evaluate Dataset (Dataset.xml)
b) Evaluate Parameters (Paramset.xml)
c) Combine Layout (Report.rdlc) +Dataset.xml, Paramset.xml

Imagine situation when I do not need repeadly publish app (publishing wastes my 15 minutes on base app) for inspection that report looks well.

Repeatedly publishing is wasting of time.
I dont need query for same data many times...
I need finish layout as soon as possible.
If I can report send to „XML & Params (*.zip)“ then I can use this zip as data source for real-time report preview.

Yes, it is simple to preview report when layout is changed.

In Visual Code imagine command „Open RDLC Report Preview“ visible over *.rdlc files. Command requests for "*.zip" file for extracting Dataset.xml & Paramset.xml.

This command open WinForm app with ReportViewer control + FileSystemWatcher for watching Report.rldc file has been changed.

I have working prototype. I can present it.
I am changing layout in *.rdlc file and in WinForm App I see immediate result.

Best Regards,
Category: Development
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



Hello Sonny Pawchuk,I think that as user you don't need Visual Studio for design layout. You can use Report Builder. Or you can just edit *.rdl as plain text.On my Yammer post you can see it:https://www.yammer.com/dynamicsnavdev/#/Threads/show?threadId=1334961888903168Preview of report is just about join RLDC Layout + DataSet Data.This can be done by simple WinForm app using "Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer".this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = _rdlcFile; // load rldc filethis.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); // load dataset (DataSet.xml)this.reportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(parameters); // load parameters (labels)this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); // refresh report previewIf Microsoft provide DataSet like in NAV... It again enables possibility to do real-time report preview in design time. Also it enables better RDLC report troubleshooting. Imagine that you have production enviroment, where report layout is bad. You can export DataSet (Xml) and then you can do design layout on your local...T.

Category: Development


Understand most of the steps in defined the the request. my simple problem statement is:As a user, I need Visual Studio to be able to preview RDLC reports. A process similar to SSRS RDL reports could be used as an example process map. Thank you, Sonny.

Category: Development


Yes, that would be great. Right now it's pretty annoying.

Category: Development


Great idea, This one would really help any developer, to create or adjust RDLC layouts much faster.


Category: Development


This is simply awesome and it will help the developer to speed up the report development.

Thanks, Tomáš Žabčík.


Category: Development


I have seen a video by Tomas and this is awesome!

MS, please, implement this.


Category: Development