Allow mobile device users to track appointment from Outlook with Dynamcis 365 App for Outlook
Our users can use Dynamics 365 App for Outlook in mobile devices to track email, however, unlike desktop version where we can track appointments, they could not have that feature in any mobile platforms. It would be great if Dynamics 365 App for Outlook can perform all the feature in every ver...
Recipients that are not included in an email should not be able to see it in a queue
It is expected that when a recipient included in an email that turns into a case/queue item, they should be able to view the email. However, after that although they are not attached to the email, they still be able to view that email/case, this should not be allowed. It would be great if we h...
Enable auto save for Dynamics mobile app
The auto save feature is not available for any apps except model-driven app. This option should be available for every platform because of its convenience and user-friendly features. Please consider enabling the auto save feature for Dynamics mobile apps.
Custom AD FS authentication endpoint isn't supported in Power BI service
Please consider enabling custom ADFS authentication endpoint in Power Bi Service.
Extend surveys creation in Customer Voice
Currently, a user can create up to 400 surveys across all projects. Unfortunately, there is no option to extend this limit, requiring users to delete old surveys to make room for new ones. This approach is not user-friendly, especially when users need to retain all surveys for business purpose...
Extend timeout for synching videos due to large size
When our customers using Resco to sync their video from the mobile app to Dynamics 365, if the sync time exceeds 3 minutes, they will receive a timeout error message. Please extend the timeout more to let our customers upload their large files into Dynamics.
Uploaded file should go to the correct folder in SharePoint.
When we generate a "Quote" from an "Opportunity", the uploaded file in the "Quote" is currently being sent to the "Opportunity" folder in SharePoint. This file should instead be directed to the folder where it was uploaded, specifically, the "Quote" folder in this case.