Remember last opened record
If you go to Customers and open a Customer card then go to vendors or other pages rather than returning either by the back function or by Esc key if you open the Customers page again the select bar is on the top rather than the record you have opened.
Team Member licenses to have more features
Give Team Members the option to create/edit contacts and opportunities, this would make the license more suitable for our smaller customer base where Essentials plan per user is expensive. The price for a team member can then be a bit more expensive in my opinion.
Mobile app to Support Azure Application Proxy
It would be nice to be able to Integrate the Business Central Mobile app to support the Azure Application Proxy.
Exporting ledger entries as Configuration Packages
If you are using Business Central 15 On-Premise you can export the ledger entries as a configuration package however if you are migrating a tenant to SaaS you can not import the data. If you attempt to export from SaaS only the first table with ledger entries is filled and the other are left blank.
Allow Administrators to hide Companies from the Company Hub
When using the Company Hub role, you can hide a particular company however, it is per session, and the main use is to Export the report in Excel. It would be nice to have the option to remove a company permanently from the list, and if you need to re-run, you can always use the Reload All Compani...
Parent/Child relationship for Customers
It would be nice to be able to set up a Parent/Child relationship between customers so that the parent Company can see the Invoices of Child Customers. If you have an extensive number of childs and you use the Bill to functionality the customer dose not know what account made the request and if t...
Unnecesary Joining in FlowFields
If you have a database with let us say 1.5 Milion items in it and create a table extension on the Item table with a field "My Item Group" then, we have in a custom table a FlowField named "Number of Items" which count the number of items per "My Item Group" in a sample code similar to this: table...
Repair-NavApp to check if the Asembly Version is compatible and not capture the highest one
If you install an extension and the assembly version is newer than the one used in the base app, if you run Repair-NavApp, the base application captures the newest version and applies that. In our case, that ended up breaking the Export in Excel function that uses Assembly version 2.9 by default,...
Scope(OnPrem) to work for partners.
If you create a custom function to export data in XML format based on codeuntis 1605 or 1610 and try using the same configuration in SaaS you are not able to. If you try debuging the code there are lines pointing to Scope(OnPrem) i understand it is not usable in SaaS environments however the code...
Print and Send exports to different Formats
If you have a customer who uses the Print and Send function to export the data and uses the function on General Ledgers, the excel file will be exported as .xml. If he tries to export from Customers or other tables, it is stored as .xlsx. We reproduced the same behavior on everything from Nav2017...