Once close the related record window expecting to get back to the main record.
when the user creates new related record from an opportunity record and then save & close it is going back to Advance Find instead of opportunity record when we open the opportunity record from advance filter. +But We are expecting to get back to opportunity page instead of advance find.
Lookup field Mapping
When update a option set field on account and it is not reflecting same on the contact field and it is a mapping field. +For the first time it is reflecting the value to contact entity. +When we update the same field it is not reflecting to Contact field. So we are requesting to include this f...
Requesting to allow to set Hierarchical = yes on parent case field on case entity.
Hierarchical relationship is working fine for account entity. But it is not working fine for case entity on OOB field 'Parent case' record. Because in the field 'parent case' hierarchical = No. So i am requesting to allow edit option to set YES for this OOB field as well.
Notification if there are any lines which are in estimated state when the system status for work order is changed to Closed- Posted.
-Uses multiple work order product with line statuses both- used and estimated (they have like 50 lines in it) -As when we close the work order with Status- Closed-posted, it automatically generates invoice, in which only the lines with used line status are involved (which is by design) -Expect...
Expecting to disable read only for email templates in UCI
Expecting to disable read only for email templates in UCI. If it is read only mode in my default, customers are unable to edit email templates in UCI. We have checked in entity settings > It is greyed out to disable 'read only for mobile'. So requesting to implement this feature in next release...
Expecting to import the data when we enter the manually in currency lookup in the Excel File.
Expecting to import the data when we enter the manually in currency lookup in the Excel File. +It is working fine when we copy the data from currency field and save. +Issue is happening only when we enter the data manually on lookup field. Might be issue is causing because of extra spaces is ad...
Three column view section should show in UCI as well.
Hi Team, In Classic UI, If we create a 3 column section in form..It is showing fine in UI as well. But in UCI , It is showing one column instead of 3 column view. https://crmglobal.corp.microsoft.com/GLBCRMSUP/WebResources/crmee_/Pages/CrmGlobal.KnowledgeContent.html?data=articleId%3de9c8c3e8-9...
In old UI, when open the record we have next,previous and close options. Expecting to see next,previous and closes option in UCI as well.
In old UI, when open the record we have next, previous and close options. Expecting to see next ,previous and closes option in UCI as well.
Multisession mode enable for custom/copy Apps as well
Hello Team,
I would like to request to create a feature request regarding " multisession mode can enable for custom apps or copied customer service workspaces".
MS Doc: currently it is byDesign (not supported).
- The multisession mode a...
Despite configuring the display name of the agent to show their nickname in the options, the transcript still displays their full name. We would like the nickname to appear instead.
Despite configuring the display name of the agent to show their nickname in the options, the transcript still displays...