Please officially support turning on presence information for Teams in Dynamics.
Currently, there is a function that syncs presence information of Skype for Business with Power Platform products such as Dynamics. The setting method is described in this document. Please officially support...
Implement new Theming across forms
Please enable Themes in UCI. Especially, please implement new Theming colors across forms. UCI colors is simple, but the color tone of UCI is very inconvenience for the users who have become familiar with WEB UI so far, and it is actually the biggest difficulty for transiting to UCI. Furthermore...
To be able to track mailboxes other than the sender if the sender's address is included in the receiving address
If the sender is included in the destination address, such as if the sender is included in the recipient's mailing list or BCC, the following tracking will not be performed. ・ Incoming receipts in the destination mailbox are not tracked ・ On the contrary, the sender's mailbox is tracked even thou...
allow the user to customize the Activity pull-down
We want to select to show / hide the Due pull-down of the Activity entity and its associated entities (appointments, emails, calls, tasks, etc.) Some customers do not need to be filtered by Due. Please release the feature to allow the user to customize the Activity pull-down so that they can edit...
Make completed Service Activities cancelable
I want to be able to cancel completed Service Activities. We were able to cancel the completed Service Activity in the legacy WEB UI. But after migrating to UCI, trying to cancel a completed Service Activity fails. I understand that it was restricted to prevent some users from accidentally cance...
Please do not add the database capacity that increases due to solution updates etc. to the tenant capacity
Database capacity will increase due to solution updates. Even if it is small per instance, if it gradually increases with multiple instances, the capacity of the entire tenant may be tight. I understand that there are efforts to optimize and mitigate the data, but it is not be offset. Customers m...
Show resources column in Service Activity report
Resources exists by default in the Service Activity field. However, the type of this field is Party List, "Searchable" is "No" and it cannot be changed. We want to add and view the resources column in the Service Activity report, but for the above reasons we can't add it to the column. Please ch...
set a default tab for each app
Personal options include Default Pane and Default Tab settings. Default Tab can be set for each app, but only one app can be set for Default Pane. We want each app such as Sales Hub and Service Hub to remember the Default Tab. If we have multiple apps, we want to go the default tab to be the ent...
Preview timeline and email attachments in browser
We can now preview the image file of the Dynamics 365 email. Similarly, if the timeline note or email attachment are something other than an image, we want it to...
Be flexible with respect to notifications when storage capacity is exceeded.
An email is sent to the administrator when the remaining capacity of each area of the database/log/file is now 15%, 5% or 0%. However, depending on the customer, e...