Work Items Create a Defined Process to Generate Reminders for Completion
Currently within D365 there are defined processes for generating global emails on: * Missing Time Sheets * Un-submitted Expenses However, you cannot generate global emails for incomplete work-items. It would be beneficial to generate email reminders to users that have outstanding work-items by w...
Email notifications by Workflow
Currently you can only generate email notifications by workflow at a line or report level. The user should have the ability to define (via user preferences) that they wish to receive a summary notification daily/weekly. In selecting this option the system would only send a single email notificat...
Time Sheet Entry - Default Time Period set to next open time period with no timecard created
To speed up the user experience it would be useful when creating timecards that the time period defaults to the next open period (by user) where no timecards have been created. This would speed up user entry and improve the end user experience. To support this functionality it would be beneficia...
Workflow Line Item - Orphaned Records
If workflow is configured at line item it is possible for a user to remove/delete an item whilst submitted to workflow, creating an orphaned row with no detail.. This ultimately stops the document status from updating as all line item workflows will not complete. Create a batch process that remo...
Workflow Work Items - Create a new global view of open work items for administration purposes
Currently, Microsoft only supports open work items by two distinct views "My items" and "Items assigned to Queue" - Create a new view of all open Work Item to allow global administration of open items. Defined processes exists for missing timesheets, unsubmitted expenses but no process for incom...
Expense management Policies - Extend expense policies to include PROCESSING stage
Currently expense policies exist for user submission and approval, can the functionality be extended to include the finance PROCESSING stage? This would support setting policies for the FINANCE or EXPENSE MANAGEMENT team to control posting (or incomplete data). Specific instances where this woul...
Expense Management Policies - Include in criteria ISBLANK or ISNOTBLANK
Currently when designing a policy within expense management you have the following conditional statements: Equal to / Not Equal to Grater than / Greater than or equal to less than / less than or equal to I would suggest add an addition two criteria: ISBLANK ISNOTBLANK This would allow policies ...
Expense Management - Processing Stage Create ability for finance to split expenses and Item Tax Groups
Currently in D365, options are limited when trying to process an expense charge that could have multiple VAT/Tax rates.... The only current way is to configure itemisation and you can then define an Item tax Group for each sub-category - This places the burden on claimant to enter the data correc...
Expense management - Optimised APP dedicated to expense submission/approval
In Project management there is a dedicated APP for timesheet submissions and approvals. It would be great to develop an expense app with similar functionality, so users can capture receipts, create expenses on the go and upload when connected. The APP should work both online/offline allowing use...
Project resource management - Period Type ability to define start/end date
The ability to assign period type and calendar should include a date parameter with start date/end date, presently when updating a record you are updating master information.... These date parameters should be used to update the "Period Status" of a resource. The ability to edit Period-Type sh...