I would like to see the functionality created to allow the PROCESSING STAGE to split an expense. creating the ability to allocate Item Tax Groups, internal notes and amount - This would support expenditure types where splits need to be accommodated without the need for itemisation.
Ideally the functionality would be limited to work with the original line item value (avoiding any issue with workflow approval and changes in the approved amount)
Hello,as a lot of the receipts have two/three tax rates applied it is making the work harder/longer as we have to reject the expense report with instructions how to split the line as it has to be done by the user. Often they are not aware which VAT rate they should use - it should be available to editing by financial reviewer side. Thanks! Alicja Sobecka, Financial Reviewer
Category: Expense Management
The mobile app should have the ability to split an expense so to allocate costs to different projects and their respective activities. example is shared costs air travel to two or three projects in a given country/region.
Category: Expense Management
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Surya Vaidyanathan,
PM, Expense