Form Submissions visibility
When someone submits a form, the values should be *easily* visible AND a Workflow should automatically fire to advise the owner of a record (or someone we specify) that a form has been submitted. For example. updates his subscription preferences to say that he wants to op...
NEED Print Preview in UI
We have just switched our organization to the new UI in CRM, but for some of our staff, we had to quickly switch them back to the Web interface because Print Preview is gone. Our Finance team *constantly* prints records, all day, every day, so the new UI was not an option. Please make adding Pr...
Default Environment should NOT count toward storage
When a customer buys Dynamics, a 'Default' environment is created, and this environment takes up *significant* space, which eats into a customer's storage, forcing customers to purchase additional database capacity. Our 'Default' environment is 2.5 Gb, which is a QUARTER of the space we get in ou...
Teams: Switch Apps from within Teams
We have tried to encourage our staff to access Dynamics via Teams; however, we have staff constantly switching between the SALES app and the MARKETING app. When in Teams, you can't do this: you MUST use a Browser. As such, to encourage and promote Teams/Dynamics integration, you need to be able ...
Need to be able to Reactivate a Form
Due to someone unpublishing a form and forgetting to republish it, Dynamics deactivated one of our Forms, and we are unable to reactivate it! The only way to do such was to contact Microsoft and to get it reactivated in the back-end (a waste of time & money for MS, and a waste or time and effort...
Dynamics + Zoom to work with ALL Browsers
At the moment, when you install the Zoom solution (to track calls to customers), this only works with Edge. As Chrome and Firefox are also used, not to mention Safari, it's important that the Dynamics-to-Zoom App work across *all* browsers.
I have already submitted a ticket with Microso...
Marking Form Trigger: GUI/UX for Journey for Forms needs MAJOR redesign
When you first create a Journey and choose the Marketing Form Trigger, it highlights 'Choose the Type of Audience', which is essentially Step 3, instead of highlighting Choose a Form, which is step 2. Users see a blue or red box highlighting ...