Sort optionset feature in chart on Dynamics 365
Need to designate sorting by on option set field in charts. Current OOTB features sorts by the Option set Value number Ascending A->Z, not by the label or any other way. Requesting functionality to sort by an assigned way. For example, sort by option set label A->Z, or sort by the same order the ...
Identify on Vendor record to group Payments into One check or not to
When printing computer checks, you can select to print "One Check per Vendor per Document No." or not per batch of checks. Right now it's all or none in the batch. Requesting the ability to identify on the Vendor if the payments should be consolidated into one "One Check per Vendor per Document ...
Add Dimensions to Payment Rec Journal Tool TEXT-TO-ACCOUNT MAPPING
The Payment Rec Journal Tool TEXT-TO-ACCOUNT MAPPING only allows you select an account. Users still have to go back and assign the Dimensions in the journal. It would helpful to select the Dimension values in the TEXT-TO-ACCOUNT MAPPING tool per mapping.
Add custom fields to .rdl Check/Stub templates
Would like the ability to add custom fields to the .rdl Check/Stub templates files. For example, add a check memo from a Payment Journal column, or add a field column in the stub section for "Our Account Number" that pulls from the vendor's record.
Add total payments amount and total number of checks to bottom of Payment Journal
Because the Payment Journal balances, there's no intuitive way of seeing how much money is being paid in the batch, or how many checks will be printed before posting and posting preview. Recommend adding payment totals and check count total at the bottom of the Payment Journal so users can have a...
Allow for "Set Regarding" Email to Appointment or Tasks
Allow for "Set Regarding" emails to Appointment or Tasks records.