Enable postings from bank statement
In the bank management, the Central European way of posting payments is not supported at all.
In Central Europe, instead of performing bank reconciliation, all bank transactions are posted directly based on bank account statement lines. However the possibility to import and post stateme...
Withdraw "account structure" from budget register entries
Budget register entries require "account structure" as field Information. However, according to General ledger the account structure has been clearly defined per main account. In order to fill the account structure in the budget register, it is required to investigate the account str...
Vendor group default financial dimensions
In the customer group, using menu item SETUP, the possibility to enter default customer financial dimensions is enabled.
However, in the vendor group this is missing.
The idea is to provide this also to the vendor group such that default vendor dimension values are applied t...
Control of financial dimensions in derived books
In the fixed assets module, derived books trigger the same transaction types as defined in the books setup - derived books.
However, the use of financial dimensions is rather incomplete:
In the fixed asset journal, the entered financial dimensions are not applied in the deri...
Provide "Open transactions report" for all localisations
For some localisations, a report is available at
Accounts payable > Inquiries and reports > Open Transactions report.