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Manually changing the form of the related entity does not auto populate the value in mapped fields.
...Create 2 test entities (Test A and Test B)2. create custom field on both the entities (Field xyz)3. create a new 1:N relationship between Test Entities A and B4. open the N:1 relationship on Test B entity5. go to mappings and map the custom field (Field xyz)6. publish customization, save and close form7. open Test A entity's form and insert a new sub-grid named Test B8. provide value in the mapped field (Field xyz) in Test A entity, save the record and click on add new record in the related entity Test B and it auto populates the value in the mapped field (Field xyz)9. create a new main form on Test B entity and switch the form without saving the newly created record in Test B.10....
Category: Account, Contact, Calendar and Activity Management (762)
Show entity type for Recent Records
...So if I had a Company XYZ Account and a Company XYZ Opportunity I would know which record I want....
Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance (1245)
Copilot needs session and case/contact context to be effective
...For example if the case relates to account xyz, and the agent asks copilot a question, copilot often returns information not scoped to account xyz....
Category: Copilot (26)
Synchronisation of single contact with multiple users in Outlook
...Scenario: Amy, Jack and Cody work for an IT firm named XYZ org....
Category: Email Management and Outlook Integration (335)
Allow Users to Select Level of Relationships Displayed in Timeline Activities
...I recently had a case with Microsoft where a random email activity was showing up in the timeline of an Account record XYZ....
Category: Account, Contact, Calendar and Activity Management (762)
Field names in error messages do not match personalisations applied
...Here's an example (and a repro steps): 1. use personalisation to rename a mandatory field on a form - for example rename 'VAT Number' on the Supplier form to 'XYZ Number' 2. do complete refresh of the form (CTRL+F5) to ensure the personalisation sticks 3. open a random supplier record, Remove the data from the ‘XYZ Number’ field and try to save the record 4. the error message you get from the system will still mention ‘VAT number’ field, and not ‘XYZ Number’ field....
Category: User Experience (478)
Extend the FindFirst of FindSet method with the number of records to retrieve
...Since insider built BC17 I get the following CodeCop warning: "code": "AA0233", "severity": 4, "message": "The 'FindFirst' method on the record 'xyz' must be used without the Next() This is on a piece of code like" xyz.FindFirst() for i := 1 to NumberOfRecords do begin if i > 1 then xyz.Next() DoSomething.... end According to rule The case is: I want to get a defined number of records, but not the whole set....
Category: Development (1343)
"Cycle counting by item" is not working as generally expected , It is not considering only the item number selected in the " cycle count by item"
...Requirement here is to create cycle count work for only one item which is selected (Warehouse management > Cycle counting > Cycle count by Item ) but when selecting the item , cycle count considers other items also. for example: If the item number "ABC" is on Location " XYZ " and location " XYZ " also consists item number " PQR" then when selecting the item number " ABC " for the cycle count by item....
Category: Warehouse Management (1018)
DataFlow is not able to fill a Virtual table (from Virtual Table Business Central solution)
...Because after setting up the dataflow and running it, it failes with this error.{ "dyn365bc_displayname": "item A", "dyn365bc_number": "1" } {"error":{"code":"0x8006088a","message":"Resource not found for the segment 'dyn365bc_item_v2_0s'."}}...
Category: General (2124)
Filtering Look-up shows Active and Inactive Records
...Hello Everyone,My initial idea is to to implement an automatic filter in lookups at Dynamics Views in General of Sales App.Nowadays lookups are showing both inactive and active records, here an example that when I am going to put filter in a view it brings me 2 types of records for the Owner of the Record.1 - User that is active with role XYZ and it is the owner of the record 2 - Same user that had different access in the past that turned out to be inactive because the new User Record was created for the new role XYZ.What is the point of this Idea?...
Category: General (2124)
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Top authors | Ideas submitted | Ideas implemented |
153 | 25 | |
75 | 23 | |
111 | 20 |