Access to [Power Platform Admin Center], click [Capacity] > [Storage Capacity] - [Details], and check Database usage and File usage.
Currently, in order to avoid instance storage from reaching to the capacity limitation, Bulk Deletion Job is the only workaround.
It is desirable if there is such a feature of automatically deleting attached files and records when database usage and file usage reach to the certain amount.
If the feature is implemented, it is unnecessary for users to maintain the storage with Bulk Deletion Job or purchased additional storage.
Hope to have this feature on Dynamics 365 (online)
Needs Votes



I would be very concerned if the system were to automatically delete files. I prefer the ability to set up my own bulk deletion jobs or choose to purchase more storage. for example, at my company, we are not able to delete any audit logs. if the system were to delete them automatically, it would cause a huge issue.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance