Real time marketing journey goals lack the ability to add conditions to goals.

This would be very helpful functionality. For example at present I can only set a goal that a lead status was updated. Ideally I would take this a step further by adding a condition to the goal, that the lead status has been updated AND the lead status equals qualified.

I'm sure there would be many other uses for adding conditions. And without conditions the goal functionality is not very useful.




We are running into this same issue when promoting a product. I cannot specify that I want my goal to be based on a specific product purchase, only that the contact made any purchase at all. This seems like a major flaw when you can add conditions to triggers for starting or exiting a journey.

Category: Customer Journey Design


I totally agree with this idea. As there is no possibility to add a condition this functionnality is uselless.We should be able to do the same kind of condition as it possible with the tigger to enter into the journey

Category: Customer Journey Design