It would be nice if we could tag people / companies from a social media post from within D365 for Marketing. Last time we attempted it, in the message we had - Hi @userA + the message text... . However, rather than tagging user A, it would just get displayed as a text when posted on LinkedIn for example.
It was declined because i think they're discontinuing Social Posting.. It's not moving into RTM :(
Category: Social Channels
Is there a reason why this was declined? I have multiple customers asking for this feature as it is such an important tool for them to tag sponsors and customers.
Category: Social Channels
Absolutely necessary functionality for all channels.
Category: Social Channels
So tagging people does work on Twitter, just use @Twitter-handle and go live, Twitter automatically tag's that handle for you. I did try it for Facebook and Linkedin, but it didn't work.
Category: Social Channels
This is mandatory for using the tool.
Category: Social Channels
I cannot believe this is still not a feature! How can you use social posting without tagging??? Social posting has been unusable to our Marketing team because of this missing feature.
Category: Social Channels
Can't use social posting without tagging support. Same applies to mentioning people with @Daniel
(wrote this message, because it is still not fixed in wave 2, 2020)
Category: Social Channels
Chiara Menesatti (administrator) on 2/17/2023 3:57:31 PM
Thank you for your feedback. We are not considering this time. Sincerely, PM, Microsoft