There are 2 fields in sales order which contain the same value : Sales taker and Sales responsible.
It is clear that Sales taker is the person who enters the sales order, but the Sales responsible should come from the Employee responsible on the customer card.
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you very much for your input. We do not have any plans to extend this capability, we will however continue to monitor how much in demand such a capability is.



Add my voice to the chorus of those who currently have a customer who intuitively expects this functionality to work.I'm curious what the purpose of the field on the Customer record is, if not to populate the field on the SO.Karla's comment is comprehensive and insightful, I can't say more or better than that.

Category: Sales and marketing


Just came of a call with customer that couldn't believe this was not standard, since this is standard in NAV/BC.I have to agree.

Category: Sales and marketing


This should be an automatic input.When entering a Sales order, the "Sales responsible" on the sales order will be the "employee responsible" on the customer account. If the employee responsible is meant for another function then there should be space to hard code the Sales Responsible against the customer master record. Otherwise the administrator has to open the customer record to find this information.

Category: Sales and marketing


This is not an uncommon requirement and I have had two customers who have made a modification to achieve this exact thing.

Category: Sales and marketing


This is an obvious hole that needs filling....

Category: Sales and marketing


In line with Krunal Thakkar comment, in our opinion, this is not working properly as the system already let you set an "Employee responsible" in the customer form (normaly an employee with a Sales role) and you have in the Sales order another field called "Sales responsible" which it should be updated with this employee. Currently this field is updated with the employee linked with the user who creates the order ending with a Sales order that has a "Sales taker" and a "Sales reponsible" with the same value. This doesn't make any sense from a Functional of Business point of view as the "Sales taker" (normaly a customer service role) must to open the Customer form and check who is the "Sales responsible" to manually update this value on the Sales order. This behaviour impacts not only the time needed during Sales order creation process but any reporting that is required around Sales orders and Sales responsibilities.

Category: Sales and marketing


We are in the process of implementing D365 F&O for one of our division and this is what we need as well. It should work in a way that it should bring the sales responsible from employee responsible field set on customer master. Please consider this and take this up as it is not working properly.

Category: Sales and marketing


Our request is to initialize the Sales Responsible from Sales Order to Invoice "not" from Employee responsible on the customer card.

Category: Sales and marketing