In the Route the system allows you to put a scrap percentage per operation for variable scrap which is good.  But I do not see where you can add a constant scrap value to the operation?  For instance, we have an operation that generates 1,000 feet of constant scrap regardless of order size and an additional 2 % of variable scrap based on order size.  So, if the order size is 5,000 feet the operation will calculate 1,000 feet of constant scrap and 2% of variable scrap (100 feet) for a total of 1,100 feet of scrap.  If the order is for 50,000 feet, the operation will calculate 1,000 feet of constant scrap and 2% of variable scrap (1,000 feet) for a total of 2,000 feet of scrap. 

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We have evaluated this Idea and declined it as there already is an option to specify constant scrap on the BOM-line. Using this option should fulfill the requirement of having a constant scrap of a material for one operation. It requires to connect the BOM-line to the operation. 


Johan Hoffmann

PM, Microsoft



...and those of course should be cumulative: the var. scrap Op 1 is applied to (const + var scrap) Op2. I once programmed this for a packaging branch ISV, it was not that easy.

Category: Production Control