Dynamics 365 Fixed asset legal entity transfer with Dynamics guides instructions, objects and holograms
Wish there is an option to easily transfer a fixed asset along with dynamics 365 guides holograms, objects, instructions, references, etc.. to another legal entity (e.g. fixed asset production equipment repairs).
Reclassification of Fixed Assets
When user Reclassify a Fixed asset from one group to another. System will start charging Depreciation at the Cost value of Asset which was given at the point of Asset Purchase. Whereas System should charge Depreciation at NBV (Net book Value) which was at the time of Reclassification.
Fixed asset journal lines through Excel add-in should include Financial Dimensions
Hello team, We would like to add the financial dimensions into Fixed asset journal lines Excel add-in so that it can save time using Excel add-in to publish the lines back into Dynamics 365 instead of manually created lines in Fixed asset journal. A bug was raised for the same issue, however, ...
Fixed asset post in batch function
As of 10.0.38 there is a new feature to split posting of journals in excess of 1000 lines.
Its a great feature until you go to post fixed assets which is missing the feature completely. Its not clear from the release notes that this is not available in Fixed assets and its a bug.
Creating "multiple" fixed assets from a single purchase order
We want to create multiple split fixed assets from the same purchase order where the total of them will equal to the PO amount.
For example, let's say that a company purchases 50 electronic appliances for...
System is not calculating depreciation on the balance amount if amount is populated through reversing depreciation with transaction type "Extraordinary depreciation".
Depreciation amount reversed through transaction type "Extraordinary depreciation". Balance is there but system is not calculating depreciation. But if we do same transaction with transaction through "Depreciation adjustment" then system behavior is perfec...
Under asset leasing Interest to be calculated from Period 1 not from 0.
Asset Leasing Module, currently in Lease liability amortization schedule Interest is calculated and posted in Period 0 but we are expecting Interest should be calculated from Period 1.
Make Financial Dimensions populate all BOOKS at once
Currently you have to go into each BOOK to enter Financial Dimensions. This is time consuming and manual. Please have option to select FinDims and add them to all Books.
Full year Convention for Depreciation(at the time of Asset acquisition and Disposal
As per the policy we need to calculate the depreciation on an asset for the complete financial year in which we acquire the asset regardless of it acquisition month. Currently D365 Fixed asset module don't have this option we need to go to the place in service date and insert the da...
Add data entities for the fixed asset budget journal and fixed asset budget register entries in the out of box D365 Finance and operations
In the current code, there is no out of box data entities available for the Fixed Asset budget journal and the fixed asset budget register entries.
Our customer would like to request for these to be added as these are needed as well by the customers.