Chat Service Level
Dear Team,
I propose adding service level performance metrics to the Omnichannel Customer Service Historical Report Dashboard. This enhancement will allow contact centers to evaluate the effectiveness of their scheduling using various workforce planning models.
Customer Service SLA calculate active duration time even after SLA breach
For reporting/analysis of actual response times of support agents when working on Cases it would be useful if the system would track time even after SLA breach/failure.
As an example, when an agent provides a first response to a customer before failure time of the SLA instance...
Connection between SLA and other records (Cloud Flows)
I want to be able to see connection between SLA and other records (Cloud Flows)
SLAInstanceMonitoringWarningAndExpiryFlow exception
Raising this idea on behalf of a customer.
When a case with an active SLA is created, this also creates a respective SLA KPI Instance. After that a flow called SLAInstanceMonitoringWarningAndExpiryFlow to check the SLA KPI Instance record once its close to expiry (in 7 days for e...
Ad-Hoc Bank Holiday Process
A fringe case, but UK bank holidays created with limited notice (Queens funeral), demonstrate an inflexibility for recalculating SLA's and workflows.
While these normally happen with some notice, there is precedence for ad hoc holidays being introduced. Kings Coronation, any ...
Thank you for your feedback.
Currently, this a one off scenario and we do not have enough voted to take this forward
Can you please provide more details about how these adhoc holidays take precedence and also throw some light with an example on what is the expected behavior from SLA based on the use case you have cited. so that we can look into this in the future
With Warm Regards
Product Manager, Microsoft